Cara Jones has been featured in hundreds of reviews in various publications. Selected review excerpts below:
MUSICAL DISCOVERIES 11/00 "Indeed one of the finest vocalists I've come across." "A must-listen." Russ Elliot
VIRGIN MEGASTORE's storewide recommendation 11/96. "An album to relax to."
Branch manager Virgin Megastore, Tokyo (About "Pandora's Box")
JAPAN TIMES 9/14/96 "Cara Jones happens to be doing extraordinary things."
TICKET 5/97 (Montgomery County, PA) "Ethereal yet earthy, accessible yet always on the move - the angel-voiced darling of Japanese radio." Frank D. Quattrone, editor
MAINICHI DAILY NEWS 6/17/94 "A slick-sounding album." Geoff Botting
(About "Different Skies")
TONY VISCONTI, producer: "She's powerful. Her music conveys strong feelings, strong messages, gossamer textures and delivers forty-five minutes of sheer pleasure on this CD. How many artists can do that these days?" (12/00)
HALLANDSPOSTEN 1/12/01 (SWEDISH) "NOW" consists of superb original material with quite strong hit potential."
Gert-Ove Fridlund
YOMIURI NEWSPAPER 12/18/96 "Sweet vocals that reach out and speak to you."
GORO NAKAGAWA, music critic and writer: "Each time you listen to the music of Cara Jones, you see another color - her songs are like prisms..."
CD JOURNAL 3/00 "There is something very compelling about her clear, high vocals - it makes you want to hear more."
SHADOE STEVENS, Rhythm Radio: "You have an incredible voice and we were all impressed." (3/01)
TV GUIDE Recommendation 11/96 "Lush vocals and a haunting yet stirring sound that seems to cleanse the soul."
BEGIN JOURNAL 11/96 "The voice of Cara Jones envelopes the listener and soothes the soul with its soft reverberations." Kamiyama
BOUNCE (Tower Records- Japanese version of PULSE!) 10/96 "The wonderful fruit born of a collaborative effort."
K. Tanimoto
DIVAS on MP3: "Ambient magic at it's best with beautiful ethereal vocals and awesome production. Hypnotic and mysterious." (about "Settle For Love")
FM FAN 3/00 "With her smooth vocals, she has created a feel-good album to introduce her brand of American singer-songwriter music."